Its main objective is to facilitate and encourage the proper performance of the national economy, thus seeking to achieve acceptable or outstanding levels of growth, inflation and unemployment, among other variables.
is the representation of an economic concept that can be measured or take various economic values.
is the sum of goods and services that consumers, businesses and the state are willing to buy at a certain price level and depends on monetary and fiscal policy, as well as other factors.
monetary policy or financial policy is a branch of economic policy that uses the amount of money as a variable to control and maintain economic stability.
A monetary system is anything that is accepted as a standard of value and measure of wealth in a particular region. However, the current trend is to use international trade and investment to alter the policies and laws of individual Governments.
is the total supply of goods and services that all companies plan to put on sale in the national economy for a specific period of time.
Situation of a person who is able to work but is unemployed or has lost a job.
it is a branch of economic policy that shapes the State budget, and its components, public expenditure and taxes, as control variables to ensure and maintain economic stability, cushioning variations in economic cycles, and contributing to maintaining a growing economy with full employment and low inflation.
Is the social occupational role performed under a formal or de facto contract, individual or collective, for which a remuneration or salary is received. The hired worker is referred to as an employee and the hiring person as an employer.
The price level reflects the average value of an economy’s goods and services at a given time.