Language elements
Esta actividad tiene como propósito que identifiques elementos del lenguaje para debes emplear para expresar actividades que haces en el presente, en el pasado, para compartir o solicitar información personal de otras personas con frases simples o tareas que requieren de un intercambio directo de información de tu entorno. ¡Adelante!
The purpose of this activity is that you identify elements of language that you must use to express activities that you do in the present, in the past, to share or request personal information from other people with simple phrases or tasks that require a direct exchange of information from your environment. Ahead!
The purpose of this activity is that you identify elements of language that you must use to express activities that you do in the present, in the past, to share or request personal information from other people with simple phrases or tasks that require a direct exchange of information from your environment. Ahead!
Âge recommandé: 15 ans
Créé par
Abraham Gonzalez