Ah
,
summer
break
.
.
.
-
You
want
cheese
on
that
hon
?
-
Sure
,
Hank
.
time
for
,
recreation
,
and
takin'
'er
easy
.
.
.
Unless
you're
me
.
-
Aaaah
!
!
!
-
It's
closer
!
My
name
is
Dipper
.
The
girl
about
to
puke
is
my
sister
Mabel
.
You
may
be
wondering
what
we're
doing
in
a
golf
cart
from
a
creature
of
unimaginable
horror
.
-
out
!
Rest
assured
,
there's
a
perfectly
logical
explanation
.
Let's
rewind
.
It
all
began
when
our
parents
decided
we
could
use
some
fresh
air
.
They
shipped
us
up
north
to
a
sleepy
town
called
Gravity
Falls
,
Oregon
,
to
stay
at
our
great
-
place
in
the
woods
.
-
This
is
amazing
!
Check
out
all
my
splinters
!
-
Baaa
!
-
And
there's
a
goat
on
my
bed
.
-
Hey
,
friend
.
Oh
!
Yes
,
you
can
keep
chewing
on
my
sweater
.
Ha
ha
ha
ha
ha
!
My
sister
tended
to
look
on
the
bright
side
of
things
.
-
Yay
!
Grass
!
But
was
having
a
hard
time
used
to
our
new
surroundings
.
And
then
was
our
-
uncle
Stan
.
.
.
that
guy
.
-
Aha
ha
ha
ha
.
.
.
It
was
worth
it
.
Our
uncle
had
transformed
his
into
a
tourist
trap
he
called
the
Mystery
Shack
.
The
real
mystery
was
why
anyone
came
.
-
Ladies
and
gentlemen
,
behold
.
.
.
Sascrotch
.
And
guess
who
had
to
there
.
Oh
!
-
No
touching
the
merchandise
!
It
looked
like
it
was
gonna
be
the
same
routine
all
summer
,
until
one
fateful
day
.
.
.
-
He's
looking
at
it
.
He's
looking
at
it
!
-
Uh
.
.
.
"
Do
you
like
me
?
Yes
.
Definitely
.
Absolutely
"
?
-
rigged
it
!
-
Mabel
,
know
you're
going
through
your
whole
"
boy
crazy
"
phase
,
-
but
think
you're
kind
of
overdoing
it
with
the
"
crazy
"
part
.
-
What
?
!
on
,
Dipper
!
This
is
our
first
summer
away
from
home
.
It's
my
big
chance
to
have
an
epic
summer
.
-
Yeah
,
but
do
you
need
to
flirt
with
every
guy
you
meet
?
-
My
name
is
Mabel
,
but
you
can
call
me
the
girl
of
your
dreams
.
I'm
joking
!
Ha
ha
ha
ha
!
-
Oh
,
my
,
you
like
turtles
?
like
turtles
too
.
What
is
happening
here
?
-
Come
one
,
come
all
,
to
the
mattress
prince's
kingdom
of
savings
!
-
Take
me
with
you
.
-
Aaah
!
-
all
you
want
,
brother
,
but
got
a
good
feeling
about
this
summer
.
wouldn't
be
surprised
if
the
man
of
my
dreams
walked
through
that
door
right
now
.
-
Oh
!
Oh
!
Not
good
.
Ow
.
-
Oh
,
why
?
!
-
Ha
ha
ha
!
-
All
right
,
look
alive
,
people
.
need
someone
to
go
these
signs
in
the
spooky
part
of
the
forest
.
-
Not
it
!
-
!
-
Uh
,
also
not
it
.
-
Nobody
asked
you
,
Soos
.
-
know
,
and
I'm
comfortable
with
that
.
-
Wendy
!
need
you
to
up
this
sign
!
-
would
,
but
.
.
.
uhh
.
.
.
can't
.
.
.
uhh
.
.
.
reach
it
.
-
I'd
fire
all
of
you
if
could
.
All
right
,
let's
make
it
eeny
-
meeny
-
miney
.
.
.
You
.
-
Oh
!
What
?
Grunkle
Stan
,
whenever
I'm
in
those
woods
feel
like
I'm
being
watched
.
-
Ahh
,
this
again
.
-
I'm
telling
you
,
Something
is
going
on
in
this
town
.
Just
today
my
mosquito
bites
spelled
out
"
beware
.
"
-
That
says
"
bewarb
.
"
Look
,
kid
,
the
whole
"
monsters
in
the
forest
"
thing
is
just
local
legend
drummed
up
by
guys
like
me
to
sell
merch
to
guys
like
that
.
So
being
so
paranoid
!