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Carte Interactive

The objective is that the students locate according to the description on some characteristic of their culture or geographical form to the corresponding country.

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Âge recommandé: 12 ans
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Countries.Version en ligne

The objective is that the students locate according to the description on some characteristic of their culture or geographical form to the corresponding country.

par Karla Mora
1 Mexican workers.The typical food of this country is this succulent soup, whose base ingredient is corn, and depending on the region, the type of meat and complementary ingredients are added and enchiladas, chili peppers, drowned cakes, can be enjoyed throughout the territory. 2 Americans. From pop and rock to jazz and rhythm and blues, this country has the second largest market for the music industry in the world. Along with music, the arts are a very important part of their culture. 3 Its territory is considered the third in the world in the list of the largest countries on the planet. The official language is Mandarin. 4 It has vast coasts, forests, mountains, lakes and extensive meadows, it also has one of the most important fresh water reserves in the world, due to the large number of existing lakes. The national flag is a rectangle, twice as long as it is wide, in red and white, the official colors, it has two red bars at the ends and in the center a white square with a stylized red 11-pointed maple leaf. Canadians. 5 It is a distant country, but this relative isolation also makes this a very special place. About 33% of the island, especially in the center, is desert, 9 out of 10 inhabitants of the 22 million Australians live on the coast. That is why the beaches are its main attraction and a country whose culture is, precisely, multiculturalism. 6 It is located between the Atlantic oceans, to the west, and the Indian, to the east. The Mediterranean Sea separates it to the north from the European continent, it is the continent where there is a shortage of plains with fertile soils, where the climate is excessively hot. The main religion is the one that is included within the animistic belief of which Islam and Christianity stand out. The main languages are French and Arabic. 7 Brazilians. The most important areas of the plateau are the Sierra da Mantiqueira, the Sierra de Mar and the Sierra Geral. It has the greatest wealth of flora and fauna in the world, it is the largest exporter of coffee, orange juice and sugar in the world, the largest number of Japanese outside of Japan with one million of it. 8 Russian culture is a hybrid generated from the customs of so many civilizations, which made up this great multicultural country and the result of its development over several centuries in World War II, and other wars for territory.
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