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B2+ - READING TASK: You are going to read an article in which four experts discuss the importance of training for a career in the arts. Choose from the experts A–D. The experts may be chosen more than once.Version en ligne
You are going to read an article in which four experts discuss the importance of training for a career in the arts. Choose from the experts A–D. The experts may be chosen more than once.
point out how a type of training can include actively helping to promote a career?
discuss an art form that has not always been admired?
mention training courses that do not require physical attendance?
warn about the hardships of a particular career?
suggest that the success of others gives them a goal?
cite a possible influence on the development of modern training techniques?
emphasise a need for repetition to achieve perfection?
It’s usually automatically assumed that artists learn their craft by attending formal training courses where they learn different techniques as well as more practical things relating to how to mix paints, prepare canvases and so on. However, most people would not think that graffiti artists do the same. Once again, it is assumed that this type of artist learns how to use spray paint from fellow artists who use public buildings as their canvases, most often illegally. Although many such artists do in fact learn the essentials from each other, there are courses in graffiti art which those who seriously want to develop a skill in this form of painting can attend. The question then arises as to what type of career is it possible to have doing something which is most often perceived as a crime. It might come as a surprise to many people to learn that it has now become a respected profession. Artists are sometimes employed by councils to cover inappropriate graffiti with work of a higher standard. And advertising companies are using commissioned graffiti art in campaigns aimed at young people.
So, you’re a budding author and wondering just how to write a best seller. You’ve seen the bookstores with paperbacks which are stamped with declarations such as ‘Number-One Bestseller’ and you know you could write something just as good! How do you go about it? There’s a school of thought that believes that a writer is born and not made. A writer doesn’t need any form of training, but simply inspiration. And it’s true that a large number of bestsellers have been written by people without any formal training. However, more and more frequently, Creative Writing courses are springing up, both residential and online, and the trainers insist that although it isn’t possible to train writers with no talent, what they can do is pass on techniques and skills that will improve a talented writer’s chances. Great writers in the past may not have had the benefit of these courses, but, for them the writing came quite naturally – indeed it is perhaps the work and skills of these writers that have informed the training techniques of modern-day tutors.
Becoming a successful actor is certainly not an easy task, and yet it is one that many young people aim for. Perhaps they have performed in a school play and loved the experience. Perhaps they’ve been told that they have natural talent. Whatever the reason, those who focus on acting as a career should be aware that the route to success is a hard and potentially long one, and even for those actors who reach the top, rarely is it a secure way to earn a living. Having said that, there are paths to follow that can ensure that a prospective actor acquires the right skills and exposure to be given suitable roles. Drama schools offer excellent training in everything a future actor will need and this doesn’t only focus on the techniques that a stage performance requires, but takes into consideration the different skills required for becoming a theatre performer or an actor who goes into the TV or film industry. Attending one of these schools gives actors discipline and through regular performances, showcases their talents to producers and agents, which is invaluable when entering such a competitive profession.
There was a time when if a child showed an interest in dance, the main option was steady progress and ending up, if they were very lucky and talented, with a dance company that produced classical ballets such as Swan Lake or Giselle. If you were a young girl at that time and your parents were tall, you were dissuaded from pursuing a ballet career because you would potentially grow too tall to become a classic ballerina. Female dancers who were taller than their male counterparts when they were dancing on the tips of their toes were unwanted. However, times have changed and with the emergence and popularity of a whole variety of modern dance genres, this is certainly no longer the case. Latin styles of dancing and ballroom are just two relatively new forms of dance that have become popularised by TV shows. For all dancers, some form of formal training is useful in that it develops strength and technique. But most importantly, whatever type of dance you are interested in requires practice, practice and more practice. It is said that the top dancers are as fit, if not fitter than athletes, and there’s a reason for that.
Becoming a successful actor is certainly not an easy task, and yet it is one that many young people aim for. Perhaps they have performed in a school play and loved the experience. Perhaps they’ve been told that they have natural talent. Whatever the reason, those who focus on acting as a career should be aware that the route to success is a hard and potentially long one, and even for those actors who reach the top, rarely is it a secure way to earn a living. Having said that, there are paths to follow that can ensure that a prospective actor acquires the right skills and exposure to be given suitable roles. Drama schools offer excellent training in everything a future actor will need and this doesn’t only focus on the techniques that a stage performance requires, but takes into consideration the different skills required for becoming a theatre performer or an actor who goes into the TV or film industry. Attending one of these schools gives actors discipline and through regular performances, showcases their talents to producers and agents, which is invaluable when entering such a competitive profession.
So, you’re a budding author and wondering just how to write a best seller. You’ve seen the bookstores with paperbacks which are stamped with declarations such as ‘Number-One Bestseller’ and you know you could write something just as good! How do you go about it? There’s a school of thought that believes that a writer is born and not made. A writer doesn’t need any form of training, but simply inspiration. And it’s true that a large number of bestsellers have been written by people without any formal training. However, more and more frequently, Creative Writing courses are springing up, both residential and online, and the trainers insist that although it isn’t possible to train writers with no talent, what they can do is pass on techniques and skills that will improve a talented writer’s chances. Great writers in the past may not have had the benefit of these courses, but, for them the writing came quite naturally – indeed it is perhaps the work and skills of these writers that have informed the training techniques of modern-day tutors.
So, you’re a budding author and wondering just how to write a best seller. You’ve seen the bookstores with paperbacks which are stamped with declarations such as ‘Number-One Bestseller’ and you know you could write something just as good! How do you go about it? There’s a school of thought that believes that a writer is born and not made. A writer doesn’t need any form of training, but simply inspiration. And it’s true that a large number of bestsellers have been written by people without any formal training. However, more and more frequently, Creative Writing courses are springing up, both residential and online, and the trainers insist that although it isn’t possible to train writers with no talent, what they can do is pass on techniques and skills that will improve a talented writer’s chances. Great writers in the past may not have had the benefit of these courses, but, for them the writing came quite naturally – indeed it is perhaps the work and skills of these writers that have informed the training techniques of modern-day tutors.