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Tupperize My Kitchen

Carte Interactive

With so many containers in the market, nothing stores your food the way Tupperware does.

Mix and match our Space Saver Ovals to create different centers in your pantry or stack different Fridgemates, Freezermates and Fresh Staks on your fridge and freezers.

Let see how well you know our Food Storage Set. Identify the products correctly by clicking on the image before the time runs out.

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Âge recommandé: 21 ans
15 fois fait

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Tupperize My KitchenVersion en ligne

With so many containers in the market, nothing stores your food the way Tupperware does. Mix and match our Space Saver Ovals to create different centers in your pantry or stack different Fridgemates, Freezermates and Fresh Staks on your fridge and freezers. Let see how well you know our Food Storage Set. Identify the products correctly by clicking on the image before the time runs out.

par ecko ungsod
1 Space Saver Oval #4 2.3 L 2 Freezermate Jumbo 3 Fresh Staks Jumbo 4 Space Saver Oval #2 1.1L 5 Space Saver Oval #1 500 ml 6 Space Saver Oval #3 1.7 L 7 2L Fridge Water Bottle 8 Freezermate Medium Solo 1.5L 9 Large Square Away 10 Freezermate Small Solo 650ml
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