WUNDERLICH: Matching Breeds of SheepVersion en ligne Breeds of Sheep par Susan Bailes 1 BORDER LEICESTER (2) 2 CHEVIOT (6) 3 COLUMBIA (2) 4 CORRIEDALE (5) 5 BARBADO (2) 6 BLACKHEAD PERSIAN (3) 7 COTSWALD 8 DEBOUILLET 9 DORPER 10 DORSET 11 East Fresian 12 FINSHEEP 13 Hampshire 14 Jacob 15 Karakul 16 Lincoln 17 Polypay 18 RAMBOUILLET 19 SUFFOLK 20 TEXEL 21 California Red Face England (BL) Longwood Breed with Roman Nose and Erect Ears Border Leiceter (3) Hardy breed that can handle cold and drought Pricked ears on white face without wool Black muzzle and feet Very Maternal Longwool with helical crip, making it very resilient Scotland COLUMBIA (2) Wyoming via USDA Medium Wool that Does well in Range conditions Corriedale (5) Second most important sheep breed in world. Popular in South America, Asia, North America and South Africa Dual Purpose Sheep Polled with wool cap on head and wool all the way down to hooves New Zealand and Australia Popular with game ranches for their horns Texas Blackhead Persian (3) Does well in humid climates. Africa/Somalia A hair sheep with white body and black head Cotswold (5) Finewool/Long wool even on face/Foretop. From England and commonly used in crossbreeding to increase size and wool length Similar to Lincoln but smaller with more foretop Wool is easily matted or cotted Debouillet (5) New Mexico Bred for range conditions/Very Hardy WOOL: Finewool, wool on legs isn't very thick, has wool on foretop of head DORPER (4) Hair Sheep that is Polled Very Fertile and Bred for Meat May have black or white head South Africa Dorset England (Probably) Can be polled or horned/White with White Face 2nd Largest breed in U.S. and is Very Maternal East Fresian Dairy Breed Finsheep Finland Hampshire England with black hair on head with wool cap Has black hair on head with wool cap and black hair on legs Jacob From Great Britain/England, they have small body and fleece blackand white body/fleece with black cheeks, muzzle and nose horned (2-4) Centrail Asia Hardy sheep who can handle tough conditions Fleece can be numerous colors Lincoln A longwood sheep that is not very popular in US Has a long foretop between eyes Polypay Dubois, Idaho Early maturing and has more than one lamb crop per year Very hardy and very prolific Rambouillet Europe: From Spain, France, Germany SUFFOLK From England and has black face and legs without wool TEXEL Netherlands White face with black nose and hooves/No wool on face or legs Great Carcass: Great muscling and leanness with a large loineye CALIFORNIA RED FACE Polled with silky wool Cross developed partially from Barbado Not a seasonal breeder like other breeds