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Geographical areas and color(T)

Carte Interactive

The color of human skin is related to the intensity of UV radiation and the ability to synthesize vitamin D.

Here you can review some basic concepts of the subject.

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Âge recommandé: 16 ans
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Geographical areas and color(T)Version en ligne

The color of human skin is related to the intensity of UV radiation and the ability to synthesize vitamin D. Here you can review some basic concepts of the subject.

par Jorge Arizpe
1 In the UV Radiation map , show the darkest pigmentation area for human skin. 2 The UV Radiation map, show an area where there is a smaller population with vitamin D deficiency 3 In the coloration map , show the area where the UV radiation is lower. 4 On the coloration map, show the area where the population with vitamin D deficiency is higher 5 On the map of vitamin D deficiency, show the area where the skin color is darker 6 On the vitamin D deficiency map, show the area where UV radiation is lowest
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