Memory TIC Unit 3Version en ligne matching for 3rd grade vocabulary par Calli Tinley inheritance money or property that is recieved from someone when they die ingratitude a cruel or unjust use of power a lack of thankfulness not very large or showy winced modest wry twisted to show distaste or displeasure to draw back from pain or thought oppression What is another name for the Netherlands? Philip sent the Duke of Alba to the Netherlands. How did people in the Netherlands react to Philip II’s rule? William learned to speak French, plan battles, and be a good Catholic William the Silent grew up as a prince in Germany. What did the Duke of Alba do in the Netherlands? The Netherlands is also called the “Low Countries.” They are below sea level, so they spend a lot of time fighting against the tides. Philip II became the new ruler, and William tried to stay loyal to him. William learned that Philip II was planning to massacre the Protestants Who rules in the Netherlands today? Charles V sent him there so he wouldn’t grow up hostile to Catholics. It was called the “Netherlands,” meaning “faraway lands,” because it seemed far from Spain and Italy. What religion was William the Silent taught to follow? Why did William become unhappy with Philip II’s rule? What happened when Charles V resigned? He was taught to be a good Protestant. How did William the Silent respond to his people wanting to fight Philip II? A descendant of William the Silent is the queen of the Netherlands. He beheaded two leaders and killed many Protestants. Where did William the Silent grow up? Why was the Netherlands called the “Netherlands”? A group of William’s subjects decided to fight against Philip II. What secret did William discover about Philip II? What was Philip II’s response to William’s petition? What skills did William learn in the French royal court? Why did Charles V send William to the French royal court? William met with them and sent a petition to Philip’s court. Philip didn’t ask the leaders if his laws would be good for the people. Why did Mary Queen of Scots flee to England? She was sent to France and raised as a Catholic. Henry VIII’s daughters were Mary and Elizabeth. What happened when Mary Queen of Scots returned to Scotland? She was put in prison. Who were Henry VIII’s daughters? Mary Queen of Scots’ son, James, became her heir. Mary plotted to take Elizabeth’s throne, so Elizabeth had her executed. She married and had a son, James. She became unpopular in Scotland and hoped Queen Elizabeth would help her. Who was Mary Queen of Scots? What happened to Mary Queen of Scots in England? Where did Mary Queen of Scots grow up, and what religion did she follow? Protestants grew more powerful in Scotland. What happened in Scotland while Mary Queen of Scots was in France? Mary Queen of Scots was the queen of Scotland from the age of five. Who became Queen Elizabeth I’s heir? Why did Queen Elizabeth I have Mary Queen of Scots killed?