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The Eatwell Plate: Listen and choose

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What do you know about food? Select the picture to which the audio and text refer.

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Âge recommandé: 9 ans
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The Eatwell Plate: Listen and chooseVersion en ligne

What do you know about food? Select the picture to which the audio and text refer.

par Inés Fp
1 Peppers
2 Salad
3 Peas
4 Lettuce
5 Aubergine
6 Onions
7 Broccoli
8 Mushrooms
9 Carrot
10 Orange
11 Juice
12 Tomato
13 Pineapple
14 Pear
15 Kiwi
16 Banana
17 Apple
18 Watermelon
19 Melon
20 Chicken
21 Meat
22 Eggs
23 Beans
24 Fish
25 Sugar
26 Salt
27 Fizzy drink
28 Hamburger
29 Chocolate
30 Sweets
31 Chips
32 Ice-cream
33 Milk
34 Butter
35 Cheese
36 Yoghurt
37 Potatoes
38 Biscuits
39 Cereals
40 Bread
41 Pasta
42 Rice
43 Fork
44 Knife
45 Water
46 Oil
47 Fruits and vegetables
48 Protein
49 Sugar and fats
50 Dairy
51 Carbohydrates
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