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Map Quiz Compare Spectroscopy

Carte Interactive

In this map quiz, you will fill out a Venn diagram to compare and contrast molecular UV-visible, fluorescence, atomic absorption, and atomic emission spectroscopies. Click the letter of the appropriate section of the Venn diagram.

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Map Quiz Compare SpectroscopyVersion en ligne

In this map quiz, you will fill out a Venn diagram to compare and contrast molecular UV-visible, fluorescence, atomic absorption, and atomic emission spectroscopies. Click the letter of the appropriate section of the Venn diagram.

par Heather Holmes
1 Atomization of the analyte is required. 2 An electron is promoted from the ground electronic state to an excited electronic state, but the exact energy of the photon varies due to vibrational levels of the electronic states. 3 The original power of an external photon source is measured, and compared to the power after the beam passes through the sample. 4 In the analyte, an electron drops from an excited state to a ground state, emitting a photon. The intensity of the emission is measured. 5 Line sources are required. 6 Approximately 70 elements can be measured simultaneously. 7 Electromagnetic radiation in the UV and visible range is absorbed or emitted. 8 Two monochromators are typical in instruments of this type. 9 The power of a continuum source of photons is measured.
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