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Exxon cartoon - step 2

Carte Interactive

This file demonstrates the analysis of a cartoon.

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Exxon cartoon - step 2Version en ligne

This file demonstrates the analysis of a cartoon.

par Stefan Möller
1 Exxon wants to play down the effects of the oil spill by creating a scenery with a smiling Eskimo holding a sign and happy whales in clean water in the background. 2 sinking ship in the background = sinking of the Exxon Valdez and its leaking oil, sea lions/seals = animals that were killed due to this spill, camera = propaganda for the company, Exxon hat on the man/I love Exxon poster = reference to the company 3 Sea lions point out the contrast between the extent of the oil spill and the efforts of Exxon to greenwash the incident. Here the company is criticised and ridiculed. 4 The cartoonist wants to shows that Exxon has not done anything to fix their mistake. Instead they have covered up the problem with an advertising campaign. The greenwashing efforts of Exxon are ridiculed. 5 cartoon made in reference to the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, made to mark the 10th anniversary of the oil spill, shows that Exxon hasn’t taken responsibility for their mistake 6 black humour – Eskimo is being forced by two men from Exxon to smile and hold up a poster after his home/livelihood has been destroyed 7 exaggeration of emotions: sea lions look angry, Eskimo looks falsely happy, Exxon people pretend to be serious, one man holds up the Eskimo’s arms, smiling whales in the background
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