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talking about exercise


esl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Âge recommandé: 16 ans
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talking about exerciseVersion en ligne

esl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

par Katalin Karakó

sedentary still anything training out shape kettlebells enthusiast for nothing aim though 5k routine out impossible flabby

Stephanie : What ? s in this box ? It ? s so heavy !

Daniel : I ordered some .

S : Kettlebells ? What for ?

D : I ? ve decided to start working .

S : You ? I never imagined you being a fitness .

D : I ? m not , but I realised the other day that I ? m incredibly out of . I was running to catch the bus , and I was so of breath . I didn ? t even run that far ! I think my lifestyle has got more and more , plus I ? m getting a bit .

S : Well , good for you ! So , what ? s your workout going to be ?

D : I ? m not sure . I want to do a little bit of weight , and maybe some running , and just get a bit fitter generally . It ? s difficult at the moment , . I tried to run 1k yesterday , and I just couldn ? t .

S : Don ? t give up ! Doing is better than doing . If you keep trying , it ? ll get easier .

D : You think ?

S : Sure . When I started running , it was really difficult , but after a month , I could do . Not fast , but , I could do it .

D : Oh ? 5k ? That seems right now . I guess it ? s something to for , though .

S : Go it !

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