Memory Hubieras Version en ligne Hubieras par KAREN ROSELYN TORRES TAPIA Le gustaba que hubiera música Ella va a si hubiera cervezas Hubiera rosas rojas si los guardias pintaran las rosas blancas. If there were a song Necesitaba que no hubiera reuniones este fin de semana porque necesito dormir. There would be red roses if the guards painted the withe roses I needed there not to be meetings this weekend because I need to sleep. ¿Qué no hubieras hecho ayer? Si hubiera una canción He liked there to be music If there were diamonds in my garden, I would've found them long ago. Jonas pidió que hubiera muchas galletas en la fiesta. If he hadn't fled there wouldn't be pies of deserve Before they would've ate Jonas asked there to be a lot of cookies at the party. No pensé que no habría problemas If there weren't time for play I wanted there not to be shrimps for dinner After they would've cooked the chicken No hubieran copiado, si hubiera penitencia Si no hubiera tiempo para jugar We can win, even though He would've given up What wouldn't you have done yesterday? me hubiera despertado temprano Until there would be classes She does going to if there were beers Si hubiera diamantes en mi jardín, los hubiera encontrado hace mucho tiempo. Hasta que hubiera clases Ella quería que hubiera más escondites. Quería que no hubiera camarones para la cena. Antes de que hubieran comido ¿Hubieras sabido cuando hubo hora de aventura? Podemos ganar, aunque Él se hubiera rendido She wanted there to be more hiding places. They wouldn't have copied, if there were a penitence Would you have known when there was adventure time? Si no hubiera huido no habría pasteles de merecimiento Después de que hubieran cocinado el pollo. I would've awoken early I didn't think there wouldn't problems