Memory HubieraVersion en ligne 5 Hubiera par christian Bustamante And feel the feeling as if it had already happened. So he did what you or anyone would have done. Diez años más joven, hubiera fregado la acera con ellos Ten years younger, I would've wipped the sidewalk with them. Como si se hubiera producido algo nuevo en su vida. That is what my friend Maxwell Oates would have said. Suppose that the literature of Tibet had never been translated. In a day or two we would have discovered the mistake. Although irreverent, the homage would have been infinitely more relevant. If you hadn't gone, none of this would have happened Si alguna vez hubiera estado con él, en su presencia... Y sienta la sensación como si eso ya hubiera ocurrido If this world had more people like my son Cons: Your hotel at the beach would have been perfect. Supongamos que la literatura del Tíbet nunca hubiera sido traducida. Sí, ese hubiera sido un buen momento para discutir esto. Quién hubiera pensado: Nadine es un tipo de vestido. Si el pescador no hubiera visto su auto en el agua Como si la hidra no hubiera regenerado sus múltiples cabezas. Desventajas: El hotel en la playa hubiera sido perfecto. Nosotros seguimos hacia el mercado como si nada hubiera pasado. En un día o dos se hubiera descubierto el error Yeah, that would've been a good time to discuss this. Si no te hubieras ido, nada de esto hubiera ocurrido. As if the hydra had not regenerated its multiple heads. Most of us would have preferred a legally binding instrument. If you had ever been with him, in his presence.. We continued towards the market as if nothing had happened. If the fisherman hadn't seen his car in the water Si en este mundo hubiera más gente como mi hijo Who would have thought: Nadine is a type of dress. Entonces él hizo lo que tú o cualquiera hubiera hecho. La mayoría de nosotros hubiera preferido un instrumento jurídicamente vinculante. Eso es lo que mi amigo Maxwell Oates hubiera dicho. Por supuesto, si su ropa no hubiera estado tan sucia. As if it had produced something new in your life. The same suffering, as if no obedience had been rendered. El mismo sufrimiento, como si ninguna obediencia hubiera sido dada. Of course, if his clothes hadn't been so filthy... Aunque irreverente, el homenaje hubiera sido infinitamente más pertinente.