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Âge recommandé: 17 ans
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Costa Rica

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PRE-TASKVersion en ligne


par Gaudy Morales

demonstrate reasonable totally responded customer Wonderful collection questionnaire results products report

A : Hi Ann ! ! Do you have the results ?
B : Sure ! ! 35 clients answered the data instrument .
A : That's good . Can you tell us about the ?
B : Sure ! ! 86% of our clients love our service because we listen to them and offer different options .
A : That's amazing ! ! What else did you find ?
B : Over 60% of participants that our photography services are the best in town because we offer accessories according to the type of session , excellent lighting and the prices are .
A : ! ! We need to keep up the good work and improve every time we can . Is there any other important result ?
B : Finally , the results two things : First , they like the gifts we offer for special occasions like Valentine's day , mother's day , father's day , and others , but they can find similar with a lower price at different competitors . Second , they suggest improving delivery time .
A : Thank you for this , I think we need to work on those improvements .
B : You're right ! !

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