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1 Third stage of aerobic respiration
2 The formation of ATP by directly transferring a phosphate group to ADP from an intermediate substrate in catabolism.
3 An anaerobic (without oxygen) cellular process in which organic foods are converted into simpler compounds, and chemical energy (ATP) is produced.
4 The process by which yeast turns sugar into carbon dioxide (CO2) and alcohol.
5 Array of enzymes and other molecules in a cell membrane that accept and gives up electrons in sequence, thus releasing energy off the electrons in small, usable increments
6 Process carried out by lactic acid bacteria when oxygen is not present.
7 The process of generating energy by the full oxidation of nutrients through Krebs cycle where oxygen is the final electron acceptor.
8 An energy-rich compound made up of a single molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acid, and serves as a major component of animal and plant oils and fats
9 A chemical cycle involving eight steps that completes the metabolic breakdown of glucose molecules to carbon dioxide; occurs within the mitochondrion; the second major stage in cellular respiration.
10 The splitting of glucose into pyruvate. Glycolysis is the one metabolic pathway that occurs in all living cells, serving as the starting point for fermentation or aerobic respiration.
11 The entry compound for the Krebs cycle in cellular respiration; formed from a fragment of pyruvate attached to a coenzyme.
12 Lacking oxygen; referring to an organism, environment, or cellular process that lacks oxygen and may be poisoned by it.
13 An extensively branched glucose storage polysaccharide found in the liver and muscle of animals; the animal equivalent of starch.
14 product of glycolysis, which is converted into acetyl coA that enters the Krebs cycle when there is sufficient oxygen available. When the oxygen is insufficient, pyruvate is broken down anaerobically, creating lactate in animals (including humans) and ethanol in plants.
15 An organic molecule serving as a cofactor. Most vitamins function as coenzymes in important metabolic reactions.
16 Containing oxygen; referring to an organism, environment, or cellular process that requires oxygen.
17 A class of proteins serving as catalysts, chemical agents that change the rate of a reaction without being consumed by the reaction.
18 Acronym for Phosphoglyceraldehyde, a chemical compound that serves as an intermediate in several central metabolic pathways in all organisms.
19 Abbreviation of flavin adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme that functions as an electron acceptor in the Krebs cycle.
20 Abbreviation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a coenzyme present in all cells that helps enzymes transfer electrons during the redox reactions of metabolism.