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1 Having the dimensions of height, width, and depth.
2 The 5th Step of the Design Process - See how the solution worked and thing of how to improve your design
3 The 2nd Step of the Design Process - Research what others have done; discover what materials are available
4 The design of products or environments that can be used by all people without the need for adaptation or modifications.
5 The 6th Step in the Design Process - Show others your plan/solution
6 A tool for comparing design solutions against one another, using specific criteria that are based on project requirements.
7 The 3rd Step in the Design Process - Choose one idea and draw or make a model of it
8 The 1st Step of the Design Process - Describe the challenge to be solved, including limits and constraints
9 A condition that affects body movement and coordination. It is caused by brain injury or brain malformation that occurs before, during, or immediately after birth when an infant’s brain is still developing.
10 A systematic problem-solving strategy that designers follow to come up with a solution to a problem.
11 The 4th Step of the Design Process - Complete your solution and test to see the results
12 A limit or restriction.
13 Having to do with mental activities such as thinking, understanding, using language, and remembering.
14 A preliminary visual of an idea for a design. Most thumbnail sketches are not full size and have little detail. Their purpose is to help quickly explore possible alternative designs.
15 A sketch in which an object’s parallel edges are drawn with parallel lines, typically at 30-degree angles to the horizontal baseline. There are no vanishing points, and three sides of the object can be seen simultaneously.
16 A sketch, typically including the top, front, and right primary views of an object that are drawn using orthographic projections. An isometric sketch of the object is often included.
17 A working model used to test a design concept by making observations and necessary adjustments.
18 Close to the true value.
19 The answer to a problem or opportunity.
20 To examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrelations.
21 A process that uses a computer to assist in designing something, such as a part, circuit, or building.