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1 This term refers to the sharing of food, livestock, and disease that took place between the Old World and New World throughout the 1500s
2 Hysteria in rural Massachusetts in the late 1600s caused by unusual behavior, group think, and unsupported accusations
3 This term refers to the Spanish labor system that allotted an encomendero a certain number of Native American laborers
4 The trial of this man focused on whether or not an individual should have the right to openly criticize political figures in printed materials like newspapers
5 British policy of NOT strictly enforcing trade laws in the colonies; led to relaxed relations between the colonies and Britain
6 A series of laws that stated that all trade in the colonies must take place on British ships and pass through British ports
7 This route across the Atlantic Ocean brought millions of slaves to the Americas; nearly 20% died on the voyage
8 These colonies relied more heavily on fishing and shipbuilding industries for economic growth
9 The first permanent settlement in the English colonies
10 This cash crop changed the fate of the Virginia colony and led to an increased demand in labor
11 The first college in the colonies
12 This Native civilization lived along the Pacific coast of South America with significant contributions to architecture, medicine, and irrigation