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1 context dependent memory; helps us understand how cues specific to an event or person will most effectively trigger the memory. A part of memory retrieval
2 our tendency to recall best the last (recency effect) and first (primacy effect) items in the list.
3 the neural storage of long term memory. Part of explicit memory system
4 an increase in a cell's firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation; a neural basis for learning and memory (synaptic changes)
5 part of the explicit memory system. The left and right frontal lobes process different types of memories. recalling password and holding it in memory; left frontal lobe, Calling up a visual party scene; right frontal lobe
6 a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event
7 episodic memory of personally experienced events; one of our two conscious memory systems. Part of the explicit memory system
8 explicit memory of facts and general knowledge; one of our two conscious memory systems. Part of the explicit memory system
9 state dependent memory; the tendency to recall experiences that are consistent with ones current good or bad mood. A part of memory retrieval
10 deep brain structures involved in motor movement, facilitate formation of our procedural memories for skills. Part of our implicit memory system.
11 a temporal lobe neural center located in the limbic system; helps process explicit (conscious) memories (of facts and events) for storage.
12 plays a key role in forming and storing the implicit memories created by classical conditioning. Part of the implicit memory system
13 part of the of the brain associated with emotion related memory formation
14 the activation, often unconsciously, of particular associations in memory. A part of memory retrieval