They reduce production or activity to return an organ or system to its normal range of function.
It is a mechanism in which an outlet is enhanced to maintain homeostasis. The mechanisms are designed to speed up or enhance the output created by a stimulus that has already been activated.
It is a large fan-shaped muscle. Covers much of the upper front chest.
It is found within organs such as the stomach, intestines, and blood vessels.
It is the only voluntary muscle tissue in the human body; it is consciously controlled. Every physical action that a person consciously performs (for example, talking, walking, or writing).
Found only in the heart, it is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
It forms the central axis of the human body and is made up of 80 bones that include the bones of the skull, the ossicles of the middle ear, the hyoid bone of the throat, the spine and the rib cage.
It regulates the internal environment of an organism and maintains a stable and constant condition of properties such as temperature and pH.
The spread of the set of values obtained from repeated measurements of a magnitude. The smaller the dispersion, the greater the precision.
A small band of dense, white, fibrous elastic tissue. The ends of the bones are connected to form a joint. They also help keep organs in place.
the extent to which a given measurement agrees with the standard value for that measurement.
They are the triangular muscles of the shoulder. The strongest point is the center section, which raises the arm to the sides. The front and back parts of the muscle twist the arm.
A strong, flexible, and inelastic band of fibrous connective tissue that connects muscles to bones.
They support the skeleton and support movement. They can be grouped by function and structure, such as ball joints, hinges, and pivot joints.
A rigid form of connective tissue that is part of the skeletal system of vertebrates and is composed principally of calcium.