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1 A two word term: An individual’s sense of class differentiation, a term introduced by Karl Marx.
2 Two word term: For much of its history, Europe lagged behind older and more sophisticated civilizations in China and the Middle East. And yet by 1800 Europe had broken ahead of the other regions of the world in terms of wealth and power, a process historians have termed
3 Two word term: New sexual division of labor that constituted a major development in the history of women and of the family.
4 Two word term: which fought for universal manhood suffrage.
5 Two word term: This person argued that population would always tend to grow faster than the food supply. He concluded that the only hope of warding off such “positive checks” to population growth as war, famine, and disease was “prudential restraint.”
6 Two word term: This persons depressing iron law of wages posited that, because of the pressure of population growth, wages would always sink to subsistence level. That is, wages would be just high enough to keep workers from starving.
7 Group of handicraft workers who attacked factories in northern England in 1811 and after, smashing the new machines that they believed were putting them out of work.