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1 In biochemistry, fat is a generic term to designate various classes of lipids, although it generally refers to acylglycerides, esters in which one, two or three fatty acids bind to a glycerin molecule, forming monoglycerides, diglycerides and triglycerides respectively. Fats are present in many organisms.
2 El dinero es un medio de intercambio, por lo general en forma de billetes y monedas, que es aceptado por una sociedad para el pago de bienes, servicios y todo tipo de obligaciones. Su origen etimológico nos lleva al vocablo latino denarius, que era el nombre de la moneda que utilizaban los romanos.
3 The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) mentions as the first meaning of beard the sector of the face that is under the mouth. The most common use of the concept, however, refers to the hair that grows in that part of the face.
4 Smallest and most discarded part of the very dry earth, which with any movement rises in the air
5 Love is a feeling of universal affection that one has towards a person, animal or thing.
6 Originating from the Latin word nomen, the concept of name constitutes a notion that is intended to identify beings that can be animate or inanimate.