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1 The Old Testament is not just a collection of writings about Israel's history and traditions. It is a prophetic ___________________ of Israel's history.
2 This book tells the entire story of the TaNaK, from the beginning, up to Israel's return from exile.
3 The Old Testament was put together over a period of many ____________
4 Scribes and _____________, guided by the Holy Spirit, put the Old Testament together.
5 The books of Ecclesiastes and Job talk about _________ God when life doesn't seem to make sense.
6 The stories of the Former Prophets mostly focus on the _________ of Israel's kings, prophets, and priests.
7 In the Old Testament/ TaNaK, all periods of Israel's history are woven together as one _______ story about God's covenant promise to Israel and to all humanity.
8 The main jobs of the prophets were to _________, warn, and promise future hope.
9 In Genesis 12, God makes a covenant promise to rescue and _____________ the world through the family of a man named Abraham.
10 The first five books in the Bible are (together) called the _____________.
11 In Genesis 1-11, God promises to send a rescuer; he will be a descendant of the woman, but he will be a new kind of __________.
12 In Genesis 1-11, we see that God wants to bless the world and rule it through humans, but humans are under the influence of ________, headed for self-destruction.
13 The Psalms scroll teaches God's people how to _____ as they wait for the future hope of a coming righteous one/king who will defeat evil and restore God's blessing to the world.
14 Abraham's family is called to faithfully represent God to the world; they ________ at this task.