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1 it is the practice of protecting wild species and their habitats in order to prevent species from going extinct.
2 It is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. The _____ is one of the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live.
3 Gradual thinning of Earth’s ozone layer in the upper atmosphere caused by the release of chemical compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine from industry and other human activities.
4 The phenomenon of increasing average air temperatures near the surface of Earth over the past one to two centuries.
5 It is the act of emitting radiation spontaneously. This is done by an atomic nucleus that, for some reason, is unstable; it "wants" to give up some energy in order to shift to a more stable configuration.
6 It is the care and protection of these resources so that they can persist for future generations. It includes maintaining diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, as well as functions of the environment, such as nutrient cycling.
7 It is simply the taking of wildlife from the sea at rates too high for fished species to replace themselves.
8 Uncontrolled fires occurring in vegetation more than 6 feet (1.8 m) in height.
9 It is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially the marine ecosystem, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution.
10 It is a broad term that includes any form of precipitation with acidic components, such as sulfuric or nitric acid that fall to the ground from the atmosphere in wet or dry forms. This can include rain, snow, fog, hail or even dust that is acidic.