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1 This system is made up of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. This systems pumps blood and delivers oxygen throughout the body.
2 This system is made up of skin and various other components such as sweat and hair. It offers protection from the environment and also helps to make vitamin D.
3 This system is made up of the sex organsthat work together for sexual reproduction.
4 This system consist of our bodys' air passageways. It allows us to be able to breathe. This system is the center of gas exchange.
5 This system is a collection of glands the produce and release hormones throughout the body to help with many different functions.
6 This system chemically and physically breaks down food. This allows the body to absorb the necessary nutrients.
7 This system is made up of lymphatic vessels. This system helps get rid of toxins and unwanted materials.
8 This system gives support and provides protection to the internal organs. It is made up of bones and cartilage.
9 This system allows movement. It also plays a role in thermoregulation. There is also two type of these: smooth and cardiac.
10 This system is made up of nerves, the spinal cord, and the brain. This system also helps your body to get signals to respond to internals and external stimuli.
11 The system is made up of the ureters, urinary bladder, and the kidney. This systems releases the unwanted waste.