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1 3.Set of available elements to solve a need or to carry out a company.
2 4. it is the environment that affects living beings and conditions vital circumstances.
3 2.Technology is a set of notions and knowledge used to achieve a precise objective.
4 5.It is a unit composed of interdependent organisms that share the same habitat.
5 8.Gaseous layer surrounding a star, sphere of gases.
6 7.All undesirable change in the characteristics of air, water or soil, which negatively affects all living beings on the planet. These changes are mainly generated by the action of the human being.
7 6.Set of physical and geographical factors that affect the development of an individual, a population, a species or group of specific species.
8 12.Each one of the territorial divisions of a country that has the same geographical and historical or cultural characteristics, but not administrative; It can be divided into provinces, departments, etc.
9 10. Unusable material that results from the decomposition or destruction of a thing.
10 9.Phenomeno of the increase in global average temperature, the Earth's atmosphere and the oceans.
11 1. Set of all the things that exist and humanity.
12 11. Substance composed of a mixture of hydrocarbons, dark in color and strong odor, black and lighter than water, which is found in natural state in underground deposits of the upper strata of the earth's crust.