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1 water, especially from a river or stream, dropping from a higher to a lower point, sometimes from a great height
2 a raised part of the earth's surface, much larger than a hill, the top of which might be covered in snow
3 a large area of land covered with trees and plants, usually larger than a wood, or the trees and plants themselves
4 a tropical forest in which trees and plants grow very closely together
5 an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain and not many plants
6 a very large area of sea
7 an area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water such as a lake
8 a large area of water surrounded by land and not connected to the sea except by rivers or streams
9 a substance that consists of very small grains of rock, found on beaches and in deserts
10 the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the earth, or a large area of salty water, smaller than an ocean, that is partly or completely surrounded by land