Créer une activité
Jouer Mots Croisés
1 Quality that characterizes every entrepreneur.3
2 It is a new idea, creative thoughts, new imaginations in the form of a device or method.
3 it consists of an administrative and social process thanks to which certain groups or individuals obtain what they need
4 organization or institution dedicated to activities or pursuit of economic or commercial purposes to meet the needs of goods and / or services of society
5 Eligible, feasible and repeatable option that the offer makes available to the demand, to satisfy a need or satisfy a desire through its use or consumption.
6 Idea of ​​a thing that one thinks to do and for which a determined way and a set of necessary means is established
7 Economic activity to any labor activity where products, goods or services are generated and exchanged to cover the needs of the populations.
8 It is a person who acts as a guide or head of a group.
9 the person or company receiving a good, service, product or idea, in exchange for money or another item of value
10 is an action that is generated to sell a good or service in exchange for money