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1 He was the person who advocated an economy "more humane, more caring, able to help develop the dignity of peoples"
2 She became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize (she received it at the age of 17). She is an advocate for girls’ education in Pakistan.
3 He signed the manifesto with British philosopher Bertrand Russell, which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons.
4 Anti-war revolutionary German activist and philosopher born in Poland who published articles in which the governments responsible for the outbreak of the World War I were severely criticised. As a consequence of her attitude and activities, she was murdered by the German government on January 15,1919.
5 Leader of non-violent independence movement against British rule. He was assassinated in 1948, his life and teachings inspired activists including Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela.
6 He spent 27 years and prison and won the Nobel Peace Prize.
7 His foundation, which mainly works with the Dalit caste, carries out humanitarian projects in Andhra Pradesh.
8 Kenyan long-distance runner, and she also actively advocates for peace, human rights and education, through her own Foundation.
9 The group, in which she played an important role, co-authored six anti-Nazi Third Reich political resistance leaflets. Calling themselves the White Rose, they instructed Germans to passively resist the Nazis. After leaving school in 1940, she became a kindergarten teacher.
10 He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000, for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in particular, for his efforts towards peace and reconciliation with North Korea.
11 Famous pop singer from a legendary group from Liverpool who was recognised for his active role in protesting for peace against Vietnam war, but he did it in the company of his wife, a Japanese artist and songwriter.
12 He was a Chinese writer who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. He was involved in campaigns to end communist one-party rule in China and was in prison for some time.