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1 These tools, for example, are signs and symbol systems, e.g., numbers and mathematical systems, Braille and sign language, maps, works of art, codes, and language
2 An ___________ is a particular form such as “I think [POSITION] because [REASON],” where the student fills in the position and the reason.
3 A synonim for "private speech".
4 This kind of speech happens when children learn to listen and exchange (or argue) ideas.
5 These are, for example: printing presses, plows, rulers, abacuses, graph paper—today, we would add mobile devices, computers, the Internet, real-time translators for mobile devices and chats, search engines, digital organizers and calendars, assistive technologies for students with learning challenges, etc.
6 Vygotsky believed that language in the form of _________________ (talking to yourself ) guides cognitive development
7 The use of technical tools such as calculators and spell checkers has been somewhat ________ in education.
8 Every function in a child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level and later on the ____________ level
9 Vygotsky’s ideas have become major influences in psychology and ___________ and have provided alternatives to many of Piaget’s theories.
10 Vygotsky suggested that children’s cognitive development is fostered by interactions with people who are more capable or advanced in their thinking—people such as parents and __________
11 ______________ is the most important symbol system in the tool kit, and it is the one that helps to fill the kit with other tools.
12 He was th major spokesperson for the sociocultural theory
13 It shapes cognitive development by determining what and how the child will learn about the world—the content and processes of thinking.
14 Vygotsky produced over one _______ books and articles during his short life.
15 Learning is an ______ process that does not have to wait for readiness.
16 Vygotsky's work was banned in _________ for many years because he referenced Western psychologists.
17 The area between the child’s current performance (the problems the child can solve independently without any support) and the level of performance that the child could achieve with adult guidance or by working with “a more fully developed child