Créer une activité
Jouer Mots Croisés
1 Language of instruction = target language: The target language, i.e. the language that the participants want to learn, is used as the language of instruction.
2 the content approach must come into a comprehensive dimension, so that one can do an interactive and efficient activity
3 Should be at the centre of the educational process.
4 should use teaching methods that stimulate an active learning attitude in students, for example cooperative learning and peer assessment.
5 This word means to share someone’s feelings. Literally means to feel together.
6 n didactic terms, is more concerned with the quality of the attitude, the enthusiasm and the zeal of the participants.
7 Because formal teaching must follow a precise timetable, a teacher is often tempted to over-emphasize a certain didactic or pedagogic aspect to the detriment of other equally important aspects.
8 teacher must be able to state clearly where he will go, precisely what he aims for, how he is going to attain particular aims, what he expects of a child in a particular situation.
9 he must try to maintain a balanced in order to ensure that the quicker children are not bored and, at the same time, that the slower children are not left behind.
10 Irrespective of the immediacy of the contents, adult and child in the situation are jointly involved in creating a future