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1 Protein which in humans is encoded b the BDNF gene.2 BDNF is a protein that acts as a growth factor.
2 Is a method of strength training focused mainly on the quality of repetitions, and a basic concept in everything concerning the bodybuilding muscle hypertrophy: momentary muscle failure.
3 It is a special conditioning method designed to increase the strength and endurance of muscles.
4 Is an inherited disease that directly affects the heart muscle, is known as a disease of athletes.
5 They are those in which organisms alter the physiology of their bodies, organs or tissues, is they represent a change in functioning of the organism to solve some problem that presents them in the environment.
6 A practice that aims to reduce energy consumption. Energy efficiency is the efficient use of energy
7 Protein produced by the pituitary gland located in the anterior face of the brain. It circulates in the bloodstream and has effects throughout the body.
8 Practice of limiting energy intake from the diet in the hope that it will improve health and delay aging.
9 Proteins account for about half the weight of body tissues, and are present in all cells of the body, in addition to participating in virtually all biological processes that occur and their adequate intake
10 Reflects the degree of functioning of a person's lungs.
11 Hormone that produce the testicles and that it is essential for the genital glands to develop normally and the secondary traits of males or males are preserved over time.
12 Person with lack of regular physical activity
13 When the body takes a small lapse of idle state of rest.
14 Refers to the proportion that arises between the means used to obtain something and the result that is achieved
15 Stand firm or resist. It is a term that applies to the physical ability of a body to withstand an opposing force for a given time
16 Degree or level of a force that is applied on a natural object or on a mechanical device
17 Extension is a movement of separation between bones or parts of the body, in the postero anterior direction.
18 Physical activity that is done to preserve or recover health or to prepare for a sport
19 This hormone is the lookout, which controls the metabolism of fat, monitoring how much energy enters an organism.
20 Person who possesses a physical capacity, strength, agility or resistance above average and, therefore, is suitable for physical activities