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1 Is very frequent develoment in children from 7 to 10 years and is major in boys. the person who present it has a normal aspect, normalcapacity of intelligence, frequently, special skills in retricted areas, but it has problems to relate to the others and in occasions they preent inadequate behaviors
2 Is that where the lower member affected entail as if it were longer, keeping in extension the knee and the ankle with the foot in an attitude clubfoot, so that any movement of propulsion are concetrated in the hip; the foot describes an arc of concavity internal to go forwad touching the ground with the tip anterior and external. The arm is usually placed adduction, with flexion of the elbow and fingers usually around the thumb
3 Es un tumor de crecimiento lento del nervio vestibulococlear produciendo una hipoacusia del oido afectadoIs a tumor bening and not is cancerous; it originates in the upper dicision of the vestibular nerve, this is part of the eighth cranial nerve
4 is the absence of oxygen in the cells and tissues is produced by the decrease of flow blood and failure of hemoglobin
5 Is present in the feet and legs and less frequently in the arms and hands. the disconfort can affect the sensitivity muscle strength and mobility of the patient pain in arms and legs parestesias and cramp in the call
6 Is a neurological disorder, often have troble making voluntary muscle movements and involuntary movements makes no control over them
7 Syndrome consists of involuntary movements, violent, disordely, large amplitude, limited to one half of the body and sometimes associed with mental and vegetative disorders. they are spastic involuntary, rapid, uncoordinated, especially in upper limb movements
8 Are often bening tumors arising from the coverings of the brain and spinalcord.
9 Neurological disorder characterized by the disability of a person to transmit or to interpretet correcty the othoepy that is to soy, the pace, the tone, the accent, the information, etc.
10 Is an attack violent of s disease can refer to an acurrence sundden symptoms or acute discomfort of pre-existing symptoms
11 Is a feeling or anxiety and inner tension that accompanies moving patients with_______ have wide variety of movement or varying complexity
12 Is a sudden and temporary loss of knowledge and postural tone, of short duration and with complete spontaneous recovery due to a transient global cerebral hypoperfusion
13 it is inability partial to express them ideal by writeen this dysfuction arises because or of a disorder cerebral it person not can express thoughts ideal inform written but if in form oral
14 Disorder of the languaje that prevents that some individuals could not call the things disorder is that it thes of havin constant the top of the language.
15 Is an acquired deficit in the ability to interpret written language; does not refer to those impairments (congenital or acquired early in life)wich prevent the normal acquisition of reading skills. (which are considered developmental dyslexia or simply syslexia).