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1 Study to characterize the environment in which development of a project to determine the best technical, environmental and economical alternative for the design and execution of it arises
2 Technical study interdisciplinary , which incorporated in the procedure of the Environmental Impact Assessment is designed to predict , identify, assess and correct , the consequences or environmental effects that certain actions can cause the quality of life of man and his environment
3 Authorization granted by the competent environmental authority for the execution of a project, work or activity, according to the law and regulations can result in severe deterioration of renewable natural resources or the environment
4 Change in the environment , whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or in part a result of the environmental aspects of an organization
5 Is the propensity of social , economic and environmental goods be damaged by the occurrence of a specific phenomenon threatening
6 Science that studies the origin and formation of groundwater , forms of deposit , diffusion , movement, speed and reserves
7 Gaseous envelope , about 2,000 km thick, surrounding the earth . The most important layer is the troposphere because it contains the air we breathe and it weather phenomena affecting climate occur .
8 Science that studies the population , both in quantitative and the qualitative
9 It is the whole environment, watching it as an indicator and synthesis of the interrelationships between the inert elements ( rocks, water and air) and living organisms (plants , animals and man) , the medium.
10 It is the combination of probability and consequences of a specific hazardous event occurs