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1 how well a person, machine, etc. does a piece of work or an activity
2 to be very sorry for something bad you have done in the past and wish that you had not done it
3 an organization where people do a particular type of scientific, educational, or social work, or the buildings that it uses
4 a person who entertains people by doing difficult and skilful physical things, such as walking along a high wire
5 o make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret
6 When a person is fluent, they can speak a language easily, well, and quickly
7 o stop sleeping or to make someone stop sleeping
8 to shake slightly, often because of strong emotion
9 to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes to show that you are annoyed or worried
10 to raise your hand and move it from side to side as a way of greeting someone, telling someone to do something, or adding emphasis to an expression
11 to stand, sit, or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored
12 the act of using movements of your hands and body, and expressions on your face, without speech, to communicate emotions and actions or to tell a story
13 to close one eye for a short time as a way of greeting someone or showing friendliness, etc., or of showing that you are not serious about something you have said
14 to move your head down and then up, sometimes several times, especially to show agreement, approval, or greeting, or to show something by doing this