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1 Is an system that not need of oxygen for the production of energy in ours human body to moment of make a physical activity
2 Is an system that need of oxygen for the production of energy in our human body to moment of make a physical activity.
3 Is a condition in which a muscle loses its ability to contract as a result of overactivity
4 Is the process of introducing a phosphate group into an organic molecule.
5 Is the physical quality that posses the person and the permit bear a strength during a prolonged time.
6 This process occurs in all organisms, and is responsible for converting glucose to pyruvate and generating ATP in the process.
7 Is the end product of glycolysis, which is converted into acetyl coA that enters the Krebs cycle when there is sufficient oxygen available.
8 Is refers to anyone of tha races to foot more brief and that consist in run the more fast possible a distance certain.
9 Is a white amorphous tasteless polysaccharide that is the principal form in which glucose is stored in animal tissues and especially muscle and liver tissue
10 Is the capacity of produce some type of word or put somenthing in movement.