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1 Not yielding to __________ when getting negative feedback from your team at work may strengthen the bond with the team, eventually impacting the quality of the accomplished work.
2 There are two benefts of working as a/an __________. It boosts your confdence, as well as the key skills your employers will look for.
3 The novice script writer __________ a great idea for the story’s twists and resolutions.
4 Her __________ for architecture is shown on the blueprints of the modern buildings she has designed. They are so detailed and unique.
5 No one is perfect. Don’t let your __________ deprive you of your happiness.
6 Being __________ is not always easy, but circumstances may require that we insist on our needs and wants.
7 Developing a/an __________ takes continuous practice, which is really worth doing.
8 I have learned that ignoring distractions is one of the ways to focus on our work, so we can hand in our assignments __________.
9 One of the ways to create a working environment __________ to dedication is to instill happiness in the employees. They will feel happy when they are appreciated.
10 It took years for me to achieve the __________ of a professional in drawing people’s faces. Some of my clients are TV personalities.
11 When your piece of work receives__________ from colleagues or the boss, you should not take it personally. Rather, you should listen and learn from them.
12 When you get a job for the frst time, it is important to __________ yourself in the tasks you are assigned to. This tactic enables you to learn the ropes of the job and sharpen the skills you need.