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1 Some Americans saw South Vietnam as a _____ and believed defending it was immoral.
2 Media accounts contradict government reports, as General _____ reported that the “enemy’s hopes are bankrupt” , but millions of people saw images of American casualties on television in their living rooms
3 Until 1969, college students deferred military service until after graduation, but young men from _____ families were unable to afford college & were more likely to be drafted.
4 Many draftees argued that if they were old enough to fight, they were old enough to vote, so in 1971 Congress ratified the _____ amendment
5 For many Americans, a gap in _____ had developed between what they heard from Vietnam and what they heard from President Johnson
6 Nixon’s campaign promise to restore _____ _____ _____ , which appealed to Americans who feared their country was spinning out of control.
7 Americans began to protest the Vietnam War as they watched _____ increase
8 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, protesters taunted police with the chant, “The whole world is watching!” Violence between protesters and police was seen on _____
9 Some Americans opposed President Johnson's war efforts, but he continued fighting, recognizing his efforts as resistance to _____ .
10 Television newscaster Walter Cronkite said that it seemed “more certain than ever that the bloody experience in Vietnam is to end in _____ "
11 January 30, 1968, during the Vietnamese holiday of Tet, the North Vietnamese launched a massive _____ where guerrilla fighters attacked American airbases and most of the major cities.
12 Some Americans opposed the Vietnam War because it was a _____ _____ in which the United States should not interfere.
13 With the country and the Democrats _____ , Johnson announced on March 31, 1968: “I shall not seek the nomination of my party for another term as your President.”
14 A disproportionate number of _____ americans went to vietnam. 1961 to 1966, they constituted 10% of military, but were assigned to combat units, so they accounted for 20% of deaths.
15 June 1968, Robert _____ appeared likely to win the Democratic nomination, but he was gunned down by Sirhan Sirhan, an Arab nationalist.
16 March 1965, faculty members and students at University of Michigan formed a _____ to discuss the issues surrounding the war and to reaffirm their reasons for opposing it.
17 Nixon claimed to represent a _____ majority of Americans who sought to maintain law and order but had been overshadowed in recent years by social and political turmoil.
18 Congress approved the Gulf of _____ Resolution & granted Johnson great power in the war, but as negative reports returned home, Congress sought greater Involvement in the war
19 The Wall Street Journal said, “The American people should be getting ready to accept the prospect that the whole Vietnam effort may be _____ "
20 War escalated, & an increased _____ call put college students at risk. 500,000 draftees refused to go, some burned their cards, others fled the country
21 _____ wanted the nation to stay in Vietnam and fight, seeing communism as a threat to American way of life
22 _____ wanted the United States to stop fighting the war and leave Vietnam
23 For the 1968 election, Republicans selected former vice president and 1960 presidential hopeful _____ as their candidate.
24 April 1968, _____ was assassinated in Memphis by James Earl Ray.