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1 devised a way to measure H. Murray’s theory-“the need to achieve that varied in strength in different people and influenced their tendency to approach success and evaluate their own performances”; credited with developing the scoring system for the TAT’s use in assessing achievement motivation, not for the TAT itself
2 theory proposes that the terminally ill pass through a sequence of 5 stages- [1]denial, [2]anger/resentment, [3]bargaining, [4]depression, [5]acceptance
3 triarchic theory of intelligence- [1] academic problem-solving intelligence [2] practical intelligence [3] creative intelligence
4 developed one of the first projective tests, the Inkblot Test; subject reads the inkblots and projects to the observer aspects of their personality
5 believed that to experience emotions one must be physically aroused and must then label the arousal
6 found that specific mental talents were highly correlated; concluded that all cognitive abilities showed a common core which he labeled “g” for general ability
7 his theory states that there are 3 levels of moral reasoning (pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional) and each level can be divided into 2 stages
8 maintained the Kohlberg’s work was developed only observing boys and overlooked potential differences between the habitual moral judgment of men and women
9 established an intelligence test especially for adults (Weschler Intelligence Test for Adults)
10 three levels of traits-- 1. cardinal trait- dominant trait that characterizes your life, 2. central trait- common to all people, 3. secondary trait- surfaces in some situations and not in others
11 people evolve through 8 states over the life span; each state is marked by psychological crisis that involves confronting “who am I”
12 theory of multiple intelligences
13 believed there are an infinite number of sentences in a language and that humans have an inborn native ability to develop language; words and concepts are learned but the brain is hardwired for grammar and language
14 four-state theory of cognitive development-- sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational; two basic processes (assimilation and accommodation) work in tandem to achieve cognitive growth
15 studied adolescent stage of Erikson; divided adolescent into four groups- foreclosed(having parents identity), achieved (your own identity), diffused (not even searching, living day-to-day), moratorium (actively searching for identity)
16 revised Binet’s I.Q. test and established norms for American children
17 criticized Freud; said that personality is continually molded by current fears and impulses rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences; saw humans as craving love and social interaction to drive their needs
18 psychoanalytical theory that focuses on the unconscious; id, ego, superego; believed innate drives for sex and aggression are the primary motives for our behavior and personalities
19 Neo-Freudian; believed that childhood social, not sexual, tensions are crucial for personality formation; believed that people are primarily searching or self-esteem and achieving the ideal self
20 stated that the need to achieve varied in strength in different people and influenced their tendency to approach success and evaluate their own performances; devised the TAT (Thematic Appreciation Test) with Christina D. Morgan
21 general I.Q. tests
22 his hypothesis is that language determines the way we think
23 father of Rational Emotive Therapy, which focuses on altering client’s patterns of irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behavior and emotion (like, “if I fail the AP exam my life will come to an end”)
24 disciple of Freud who extended his theories; believed in a collective unconscious as well as a personal unconscious that is aware of ancient archetypes which we inherit from our ancestors and we see in myths (young warrior, wise man of the village, loving mother, etc.); coined the terms introversion and extroversion