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1 She was the first Bourgeois Feminist. She believed male and female children should have access to free public education. She called for universal suffrage and the abolition of laws that discriminate against women.
2 We agree to give up our right to do anything to anyone, and agree to abide to those laws that protect us from harm by others. Society will come to your rescue if you are wronged. You will be a part of the larger society.
3 According to Wollstonecraft for poor women to improve themselves, they need this. Middle-class women should employ them to do the drudgery so they can manage their families, instruct their children, and develop their own intellects.
4 According to Rousseau, the purpose of this for women should be planned in relation to men. To be pleasing, to win respect & love, to raise children, to tend to men’s needs, to counsel & console, to make men happy.
5 Rousseau believed that this was an unhealthy practice for babies. Children should begin their education by exploring the world physically and then move into moral learning.
6 He believed that both parents should be responsible for raising and educating their children.
7 According to Wollstonecraft, if women appear to be this way, it is only because they have been indoctrinated to live up to feminine virtues of gentleness, passivity, submission, and doting on men. Women get trapped in physical & moral restraints. If they have access to education and rigorous physical exercise they will be able to develop their intellects and their physical strength, this is the key to making the sexes equal.
8 According to Wollstonecraft women need to be educated, not just for their own development, but so they can be more enlightened mothers and partners to men. Their first duty is to themselves as rational beings, and then as citizens which includes their roles as mothers and married women.