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1 Found in the PD Portal, a resource community for PD Coordinators. Resources to be found are: PD Coordinator Webinar recordings, Staff Qualifications, Rules, Regulations and Guidance and many others.
2 A wide variety of facilitated learning activities for instructors and staff of AEL programs and organizations that participate in AEL programs and services. PD refers to the acquisition of skills and knowledge for career advancement and encompasses all types of facilitated learning opportunities, including workshops, conferences, and informal learning opportunities situated in practice.
3 Used by the program to request training from their PD Specialist at least 20 business days in advance of requested training dates. ​
4 The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) office determines grant requirements and sets state policy for AEL AEFLA-funded service providers. Training and support on those policies and monitoring of grant deliverables is provided by TWC AEL staff through technical assistance to those providers. Anything that is a requirement of the program’s grants, and not stated as professional development, is supported through technical assistance including, but not limited to state policy and grant management. ​
5 Content areas at the discretion of the program, but consisting of content related to the AEL program’s purpose, which is to provide adults with sufficient basic education that enables them to effectively: ​ acquire the basic educational skill necessary for literate functioning; ​ participate in job training and retraining programs;​ obtain and retain employment​ continue their education to at least the level of secondary school completion and postsecondary education preparation;​
6 Serves as the point of contact for the Agency and the PD Center​ Collaborates with their assigned PD Specialist (TCALL) to ensure that the PD needs of the Grantee are met​ Coordinates PD planning, implementation, and documentation of PD activities ​ Should always be part of the “continuous improvement” model and not just a “tracker” of PD ​ Identifies staff who are behind on required PD hours and work with them to ensure they are getting PD related to their specific job function​ Attends Monthly Webinars hosted by TCALL​
7 Is employed by the PD Center and is assigned to each Grantee. ​ Works in coordination with the local PD Coordinator, the program director, and TWC in the review of program performance data in TEAMS, Labor Market and Career Information, and other relevant data to identify deficiencies related to program operations and/or program instructional systems that may be resolved through targeted PD. ​ Is in regular contact with the PD Coordinator to review progress, provide or request the necessary Professional Development training, and coordinate the development of a Professional Development Plan for the program year.​
8 An individual’s ability to read, write, and speak in English and to compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job, in the family of the individual, and in society. ​
9 Topics include:​ Recruitment, Intake, and Orientation​ Assessment (TABE, BEST, BEST Plus, CASAS)​ Goal-Setting (available online through TRAIN PD)​ Career Awareness​
10 provides content that supports learning outcomes through presentations, demonstrations, and/or discussion of new information, ideas, knowledge, materials, research findings, best-practices, current events, trends, etc. in support of implementation in the AEL classroom and designed to improve the skills, competencies, knowledge, and professional/personal growth of the participant.​
11 Topics Include:​ Contextualized Teaching and Learning​ Multi-level Classroom Management​ Career Pathways​ Content Standards​ Persistence​ Specially developed workshops based on program needs​ TRAIN PD @ TCALL Contracts with and pays for the trainer, as funding allows.​
12 Grantee Contract Deliverable 10.1.2​; supported by PD Specialist to create for the program and dictates the program's PD needs throughout the year.​
13 The Train the Trainer Model is intended to engage master trainers in coaching new trainers that are less experienced with a particular topic or skill, or with training overall.
14 A wide variety of research-based Professional Development topics that include the instructional and advising characteristics specific to adults and that are concerned with the range of knowledge, skills, and abilities that adults bring to education and that define their needs to: ​ understand and use information; ​ express themselves; ​ act independently; ​ manage a changing world effectively; and ​ meet goals and objectives related to career, family, and community participation. ​ Instructional principles include, but are not limited to: ​ engaging adults and customizing instruction on subjects that have immediate relevance to their career and personal goals and objectives; ​ building on their prior knowledge and experience; and supporting them in taking responsibility for their learning. ​