production of sectional body images by administration of a natural substance, such as glucose, labeled with a positron-emitting isotope; the rays subsequently emitted are interpreted by computer to show the internal distribution of the substance administered; PET has been used to follow blood flow through an organ and to measure metabolic activity within an organ, such as the brain, under different conditions
production of images through the use of a magnetic field and radio waves; the characteristics of soft tissue are revealed by differences in molecular properties; eliminates the need for x-rays and contrast media
use of a computer to generate an image from a large number of x-rays passed at different angles through the body; a three-dimensional picture of a cross-section of the body is obtained; reveals more about soft tissues than does simple radiography
use of x-rays passed through the body to make a visual record of internal structures on specially sensitized film
generation of a visual image from the echoes of high-frequency sound waves traveling back from different tissues; also called sonography and echography