Passive Jumps
Froggy JumpsChoose the best answer to complete the passive sentences
Passive Voice Gap Fill
CompléterFill in the gaps with a suitable word to form complete passive sentences
Passive Voice Word Scramble
Ordonner les MotsPut the words in order to form passive sentences
Past Participle Word Search
Mots MêlésFind the past participle form of the verbs
Crucigrama Passive
Mots Croiséspassive crossword
Past Participle Word Search
Mots MêlésA wordsearch made for students to become familiar with the past participle form of certain verbs.
Video QuizAutores contractualistas y matices en sus teorías
Superlative Sentence Scramble
Ordonner les MotsOrder the words to form superlative sentences
Superlative adjectives
Relier ColonnesJoin the adjectives with their superlative form
Feelings Word Scramble
Ordonner les LettresUnscrambre the words used to describe feelings
Word Search Personality Adjectives 1ºESO
Mots MêlésFind the thirteen different personality adjectives hidden on the wordsearch.
Comparatives 1ºESO
Froggy JumpsComparative questions and sentences