CH words spelling
Ordonner les Lettrespractice spelling CH words
4 seasons
Relier Colonnespractice the names of the seasons
Ordonner les Lettrespractice spelling neighborhood words
Legendary - Unit 3 Words
MemoryMy Neighborhood
My Neighborhood
Carte InteractivePlaces in my neighborhood
My Neighborhood
Relierמיינו את המילים לקבוצות Places People Things to do
Long Vowel Sounds
Memory?חשבו - מה צליל הניקוד ארוך של כל מילה
My Neighborhood - Unit 3 - Places
Mots CroisésLegendary Unit 3 - places
Practice long /E/ with "ee"
Froggy JumpsWhich words have a long /E/ sound?
He/She is wearing.
Relier ColonnesMatch the description to the picture
Memoryclothes vocabulary practice
Long /O/ sound
Froggy JumpsWhich word have the long /O/.
Long /I/ sound
Froggy JumpsWhich word have the long /I/.
Legendary - Unit 2 Words
Mots RouletteWord Practice
Long /A/ sound
Froggy JumpsWhich word have the long /A/.
MemoryESL Practice Colors
TH sound
Froggy JumpsDoes the word have 'th' sound?
ch sh th
Froggy Jumpspractice sounds
Fill in the blanks
CompléterBasic questions and answers
10 words
Ordonner les Lettresspelling
Hey p.27
Ordonner les Lettresvocab
CH sound
Froggy JumpsDoes the word have 'ch' sound?
Food and Drink
Relier ColonnesFood and drink vocaulary
Food and Drink
Mots CroisésPractice food and drink vocabulary
Food and Drink
Ordonner les LettresFood and Drinks
Food and Drink
Froggy JumpsPractice food and drink vocabulary