Input & Output Devices of a Computer
Froggy JumpsFind the input and output devices using the images.
Screen Time Matching Game
MemoryMatch the words we talked about in the screen time book today.
AI Matching Devices
Froggy JumpsMatch the AI devices to their abilities described in the question.
The Virtual Assistant and Sarah
CompléterAI story that reviews new vocabulary and enhances sentence making skills with fill in the blanks.
AI Vocabulary Match
Relier ColonnesArtificial Intelligence review and words related to the topic.
How to keep your password protected.
Device Care Matching Game
Relier ColonnesMatch device care concepts with their descriptions in this fun and educational game.
Domain Types
Relier ColonnesMatch the links to their domain type.
Tech Vocab Word Search 1
Mots MêlésFind the technology vocabulary in the word search.
Match the terms from the video to their definition.
2nd Grade Computer Vocab Word Search
Mots MêlésFind the computer vocabulary in the word search.
Matching Jobs
Froggy JumpsMatch the animals to their tools!
Matching Beach Supplies
MemoryMatch the beach supplies in this game of memory!
Review internet safety topics we talked about.
Using Citations & Avoiding Plagiarism
Relier Colonnesvocab words for citing sources
plagiarism, taking notes, online research skills
Email Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesReview the email vocabulary that we discussed in this matching game.
Technology Vocab Review
CompléterTech vocab review
Grade 3 - Internet Safety
Mots Mêlésinternet safety terms
Real & Fake Technology Match
Relier ColonnesMatch the real and fake technology together.
5th - Animation Project
Mots Mêlésanimating a scene, animation vocab, word search review
1st Shapes - Number of Sides
Relier Colonnesshape ID, counting segments, number ID, click and drag
K - MP9 Match Letters
Memoryletter ID, matching, upper/lowercase, clicking, mouse practice
Grade 5: Coding Vocab
Mots Mêléscoding, vocabulary, search, technology practice
K Matching Items
Relier Colonnesmatching items, memory game, clicking skills, technology
4th - Technology Vocab Review 3
Froggy Jumpsvocabulary game matching definitions of computer and technology vocab.
Screen Time K-3 (D)
Mots MêlésUnderstand how to reset, reconnect, and relax when spending too much time on computer screen.
4th - Technology Vocab Review 2
Froggy Jumpsvocabulary game matching definitions of computer and technology vocab.
Internet Safety Key Terms
Relier Colonnesmatching internet safety words/definitions
A review of technology vocabulary terms we have become familiar with or will become familiar with in the coming weeks!
Answer the questions about technology.
1st MM Matching 2
MemoryMatching the items that go hand in hand!
1st MM Matching 1
MemoryMatching the items that go hand in hand!
Practice letters by matching the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Practice letters by matching the uppercase and lowercase letters.
Find the Icon Froggy Jump!
Froggy JumpsListen to the question to find the correct button.
Froggy Jump Find the Correct Icon
Froggy JumpsChoose the correct icon that is asked for in each question.
Fill in the Blanks
CompléterFill in the correct technology vocabulary term in each blank to complete the story.
Find the words from the grid.
Mots MêlésComputer Vocabulary
Parts of the Computer
Relier ColonnesMatch the computer parts.
Vocabulary Word Search
Mots MêlésFind the words from the grid.
Computer Vocabulary
Relier ColonnesMatch the term to it's technology.