Pronombres posesivos
CompléterComplete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun
Determinante posesivo
CompléterComplete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun.
Verbos Presente
CompléterConjugate the verb in the correct way. Use the hint that is in parentheses
Verbos 1
Mots Croisésconjugate the verb in the correct way
Froggy JumpsDoes the color that is written agree with the color in which it is written?
Hablame de ti
RelierUna cada pregunta con su respuesta
Numeros y Adjetivos?
TestHow many are there of each?
MemoryMatch the written number with the one in the number symbol. Two = 2
CompléterCompleta los espacios en blanco
Froggy JumpsUne la imagen con su verbo