Animal Homes
Mots CroisésMatch the animal with its home and fill in crossword.
Ta' Min Hi Din il-Beritta?
MemoryL-istudenti qqabblu l-brieret ma' min jilbishom.
Flora u Fawna f'Wied il-Ghasel
Relier ColonnesAkkwist ta' vokabularju gdid ta' flora u fawna f'Wied il-Ghasel.
My Jeans
Carte InteractiveStudents label different features of a pair of jeans.
Find the places on the map
Carte InteractiveThrough this map the pupils will learn where the major places of the island are.
Parts of a tree
Carte InteractivePupils learn the parts of a tree through this activity
Computer Parts
Carte InteractiveThis activity teaches different computer parts.