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A Bus Stop Horror Story

Video Quiz

Answer the questions considering the animated video

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Âge recommandé: 14 ans
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A Bus Stop Horror StoryVersion en ligne

Answer the questions considering the animated video

par juan david olarte quintero

what was the man's job? ; where did he work?

Select one or more answers


Why did you get the job at the college?

Select one or more answers


what is the name of the friends?

Written answer


How long was the man playing video games?


Where did the man hide when he heard footsteps?


How did the man find out that the murderer was the man in the plaid shirt?


Through which exit did the man try to escape?

Written answer


When the man graduated from college he got a job at his old college as a tech intern

the man said he got the job because those three former teachers loved him so much to the point of seeing each other as friends

The man said his friends Dave and Gary were at the printer when this situation happened.

When the man was in the basement worried about his friends, he played for 20 minutes, waiting for his cell phone

When the man heard raisins correspond under his desk

When the man was in hiding, he received a text message that betrayed him with the murderer, when he read it, he realized that he was next to the person responsible for the acts

Although the killer tried to escape through the basement in a failed attempt to kill the employee, the police were waiting for him by all the doors including the one to the basement

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