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Teens and Part-Time Jobs


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Âge recommandé: 14 ans
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Teens and Part-Time JobsVersion en ligne

Complete the gaps in the text below with the given words:

par Durval Pinho

relationships grades drugs experience risks skills risky responsibility money needs teenager

Is your teen ready for a job ?
Your comes home from school and declares he wants to flip burgers at the neighbourhood fast - food joint . He says he money for CDs , clothes and to buy his own car . Is this a step to maturity or a slip toward lower , inadequate sleep and a constricted social life ? Nearly every teen can benefit from job . But there are you must assess .
The benefits / advantages
? A teenager's job can teach work that will serve him well in college and prepare him for careers in adulthood .
? He can acquire confidence , develop a sense of and feel more independent .
? Earning money will enable him to buy things he wants and will provide an opportunity for learning responsible management .
The drawbacks / disadvantages
? Working more hours a week is associated with lower grades and difficulty in keeping up extracurricular activities and social .
? Some studies have found that teens who work long hours are more likely to engage in such activities as using illegal or alcohol ? in part because they are exposed to older coworkers who lead them astray .

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